Wallace Beery

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    The Last of the Mohicans (1920)

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    The Last of the Mohicans (1920)

    As Alice and Cora Munro attempt to find their father, a British officer in the French and Indian War, they are set upon by French soldiers and their cohorts, Huron tribesmen led by the evil Magua. Fighting to rescue the women are Chingachgook and his son Uncas, the last of the Mohican tribe, and their white ally, the frontiersman Natty Bumppo, known as Hawkeye.

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    Behind the Door (1919)

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    Behind the Door (1919)

    A German-American naval officer takes revenge against the German submarine commander who brutalized his wife.

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    Victory (1919)

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    Victory (1919)

    Adaptation of Joseph Conrad novel about lust and violence on a South Seas Island.

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    Johanna Enlists (1918)

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    Johanna Enlists (1918)

    A young girl, stifling on her father’s backwoods farm, is reinvigorated by the arrival of an army regiment, come to train in the area.

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    A Clever Dummy (1917)

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    A Clever Dummy (1917)

    An inventor and his assistant build a robot that looks like their janitor, and everyone tries to profit off the invention.

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    Madame Double X (1914)

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    Madame Double X (1914)

    Mr. Von Crooks and his son are in love with Madame Double X. One night Von Crooks, Jr., elopes with her and then writes to his father to forgive them. He refuses and cuts his son off without a cent.

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    The Man from Hell’s River (1922)

    Adventure of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police

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    The Spanish Dancer (1923)

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    The Spanish Dancer (1923)

    The Spanish Dancer is the story of Maritana, a gypsy girl who dances in courtyards and even tells people’s fortunes. Despite her gypsy occupation, Maritana wishes to be a Countess. Her ambitions are realized when she meets the handsome Count Don Cesar de Bazán, if only the King of Spain would stay out of their way!

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    Billy the Kid (1930)

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    Billy the Kid (1930)

    Billy, after shooting down land baron William Donovan’s henchmen for killing Billy’s boss, is hunted down and captured by his friend, Sheriff Pat Garrett. He escapes and is on his way to Mexico when Garrett, recapturing him, must decide whether to bring him in or to let him go.

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    A Lady's Morals (1930)

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    A Lady’s Morals (1930)

    Romantic biography of Swedish opera singer Jenny Lind and her famous affairs.

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    The Christmas Party (1931)

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    The Christmas Party (1931)

    Jackie wants to throw a Christmas party for his friends on his football team, but doesn’t know how to go about it. His fellow stars at MGM decide to help him out.

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    Ah, Wilderness! (1935)

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    Ah, Wilderness! (1935)

    Young idealist Richard Miller is selected as valedictorian for his New England high school commencement class of 1906 and intends to inject modern anti-capitalistic ideas into his speech. His father, Nat Miller, accidentally learns of it and interrupts Richard’s speech before he can make a fool of himself. The small town later celebrates the Fourth of July with customary fireworks, picnics and the like, with Richard spending time with his girl, Muriel McComber, who promises she will allow him to kiss her one day. When Richard sends poems of love to Muriel, quoting the likes of Omar Khayyám and Swinburne, her father prevents her from ever seeing him again and forces her to write a letter denouncing him.

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