Product Tag - Eric Rochant

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    Total Western (2000)

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    Total Western (2000)

    Un flingueur abruti, un deal mal negocie, pas mal de morts et quelques millions de francs poussent Gerard Bedecarrax, dit Bede, a se mettre au vert. Direction Millau dans l’Aveyron, ou s’erige l’Esperance, centre d’hebergement pour jeunes delinquants. La, tout irait pour le mieux dans le meilleur des mondes si Ludo Daes, accompagne de cerberes armes jusqu’aux dents, ne tenait a tout prix a recuperer son argent.

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    Anna Oz (1996)

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    Anna Oz (1996)

    This taut psychological chiller tells the twisted story of Anna, a woman living in Paris, whose dreams of her Venetian counterpart, a secretive young woman who lives in a fine palace with her brother and an enigmatic older man, become frighteningly real. Anna’s world begins coming apart after she is picked up by the police for witnessing an awful crime she cannot remember seeing. When she realizes that her dream alter-ego is trying to kill her, only her lover Marc’s calming and supportive influence can save her from madness.

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    Les patriotes (1994)

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    Les patriotes (1994)

    Ariel, un jeune Juif français, décide de quitter sa famille pour partir en Israël et devenir un agent du Mossad, les services secrets israéliens. En participant à des missions à Paris, Tel Aviv et Washington, il sera initié à l’art délicat de la manipulation.

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    Love Without Pity (1989)

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    Love Without Pity (1989)

    25 year-old Hippo doesn’t have a job, doesn’t study either but lives from the money his younger brother earns with dealing and from occasional Poker winnings.

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