Product Tag - Revcom Télévision

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    Professor Poopsnagle's Steam Zeppelin

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    Professor Poopsnagle’s Steam Zeppelin

    Professor Poopsnagle, the holder of an important scientific mystery, was kidnapped and his mysterious disappearance undermines the world of science. His young grandson, who helps him in research, provides assistance to professor Garcia, a longtime colleague and friend of the scientist. Helped by a group of children spending their holidays in a secret camp in the valley, Professor Garcia and the young boy build a flying bus. They set off in pursuit of the kidnappers and an attempt, at the same time to complete Poopsnagle’s unfinished work.

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    Runaway Island

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    Runaway Island

    Australia 1830. Jemma and Jamie McCloud are left behind on their father’s farm with their aunt Agatha. Lachlan McCloud sails to England to ask attention from the government to do something about the corruption in New South Wales. While he’s away aunt Agatha sells the farm and the two children are left homeless. Jemma and Jamie are told that their father drowned at sea. They meet Red Tom and Nipper and are determined to find their father’s will.

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    How Wang-Fo Was Saved (1987)

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    How Wang-Fo Was Saved (1987)

    Wang Fo, the greatest master of medieval China, aided by his assistant who has given up everything to follow him, desperately seeks aesthetic perfection. A day comes when he thinks he has achieved it. But his genius arouses both the curiosity and the jealousy of the Emperor. Wang Fo will be able to escape the Emperor’s vindictiveness only by going to the limit of his talents.

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