Product Tag - Russ Parr

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    The Last Stand (2006)

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    The Last Stand (2006)

    The Last Stand, a drama that chronicles the life of four very different people attempting success as performers in Los Angeles until life becomes too much to handle.

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    Something Like A Business (2010)

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    Something Like A Business (2010)

    An aspiring pimp struggles to make a mint after inheriting his late uncles escort service and discovering that competition on the streets is fierce.

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    35 and Ticking (2011)

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    35 and Ticking (2011)

    Centers around the lives of Victoria, Zenobia, Clevon, and Phil — all friends approaching the age of 35 and struggling to build the families they’ve always dreamed of. While Zenobia (Nicole Ari Parker) is still looking for a man, Victoria (Tamala Jones) is married to a man who doesn’t want children. Clevon (Kevin Hart), meanwhile, is too geeky to get a woman, and Phil (Keith Robinson) is already married with children, but his wife is not very interested in being a mother. All four of them try to rectify their romantic lives and futures while their biological clocks tick away.

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    American Gangster Presents: Big Fifty - The Delhronda Hood Story (2021)

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    American Gangster Presents: Big Fifty – The Delhronda Hood Story (2021)

    Delrhonda “Big Fifty Hood ends up running her own drug empire, becoming one of Detroit’s wealthiest and notorious women in the process. With her success, she discovers that money doesn’t fix all of her problems, and she can only depend on herself if she wants to stay one step ahead of the law and stay alive.

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    Drunk, Driving, and 17 (2023)

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    Drunk, Driving, and 17 (2023)

    Kim, an honor student, popular and responsible, who after a disastrous house party makes a bad decision. After crashing her car and almost kills a classmate, leading to consequences for her and the party host’s parents.

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    Comeback Dad (2014)

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    Comeback Dad (2014)

    A man tries to reconnect with his estranged daughter.

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    Hear No Evil (2014)

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    Hear No Evil (2014)

    A freak accident jolts 15 year-old Shelby Carson (Jahnee Wallace) from her peaceful world of silence and seclusion to the center of a world of chaos, confusion and imminent danger. As she struggles to cope with her new found circumstances, Shelby battles with what she learns about the people around her; complete strangers and her dearest loved ones. What seems to be a blessing from God on the surface, could very well be a curse that will rock her family to the core. Relationships are tested, secrets revealed, in this untold story of family, faith and the resolve of a young girl in spite of her circumstances.

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    Definitely Divorcing (2016)

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    Definitely Divorcing (2016)

    Co-workers question their marriages for a variety of issues, including anger management, child-like spouses and manipulative children.

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