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    Naina Ki Sharafat

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    Naina Ki Sharafat

    Naina, an abrupt and outspoken woman, knocks on the door of Sharafat when she is kicked out of her house. They embark on a journey of honesty and truth, but everything is on the line when a secret is revealed. Will they stay together or fall apart?

    PKR 450
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    A dark tale of a criminal minded demented woman who performs illegal abortion, thus murdering the unborn and mother both in many cases. She performs such out of her greed , hatred and betrayal from her past. The characters portrayed are all unique engaging in fine creativity with their respective roles thus providing an unforgettable experience for the audience to watch.

    PKR 600
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    Aurat Gardi

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    Aurat Gardi

    The story lies in a misogynist society where women face patriarchy, Sexism, racism, and economic inequality, and many more. And when women raise their voice for their rights they often faced violence in return.

    PKR 600
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